I have more debts. What should I do?

There are various websites with advice, tips, and information that can be helpful in getting your finances in order again. At www.nibud.nl and www.zelfjeschuldenregelen.nl, you will find many tips and tools. However, continue to respond, as not responding solves nothing.

We are here to help you. Contact us. This can be done in various ways, including contact through myFinView.

If you can't figure it out, or you think you have a problematic debt situation, then contact your municipality. There, you can seek advice, or apply for debt mediation or debt relief.

Read more information here. (link: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/schulden/vraag-en-antwoord/schuldhulpverlening-aanvragen)

What if I am considering suicide?

Having debts is often experienced as a form of failure and brings with it negative emotions such as shame and fear. This can lead to people seeing no way out and resorting to suicide.

Foundation 113 Suicide Prevention is there for you! You can call or chat with specialists completely anonymously. Call for free at 0800-0113. Click here to go directly to the 113 website (https://113.nl)
